Diet to Prevent Cataract

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Cataracts are a leading cause of visual impairment in Americans and is one of the most common operations conducted in OKC by the best cataract surgeons. If proteins in the lens of the eyes are impaired, cataracts form and make the eyes ' cloudy' and opaque.

Cataract Risk Reduction

The risk of developing cataracts can be increased by several factors, including gender, genetics and ethnicity. There are some which we can handle to reduce the risk of cataract growth, like no smoking, hats or sunglasses for eye protection from UVA / UVB rays and, of course, eating a healthy diet.

Diet and Cataract

Recent studies have shown a promising correlation in a healthy diet to avoid or postpone cataracts. The best protectives are vitamins C and E as they contain antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. The only carotenoids present in the lens of the eyes are lutein and zeaxanthin. Both are beneficial compounds with high antioxidants that can prevent cataract formation and are related to a decreased need for cataract surgery.

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Eat What Is Required

Nothing about your age or family history can be changed, but you can change your diet. Some research shows that eating high-intensity foods such as vitamins C and E can help to protect from cataracts. If you have cataracts, their growth can slow.

Citrus fruits like orange, limes etc, tomatoes, green and red bell pepper, broccoli, strawberry, brussels sprouts are vitamin C sources.

Search for vegetable oils and wheat germ for vitamin E. Nuts, especially almonds, are also good vitamin E sources. Peanuts, green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are also good sources. Many products–perhaps even your favorite cereal breakfast–contain extra Vitamin E. Check the product details to be sure.

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You also did not hear about lutein or zeaxanthin. These are two extra vitamins that can protect the eyes from cataracts.

Make sure that every day you eat fruit and veggies. Five portions of lutein and zeaxanthin can provide over 100 milligrams of vitamin C and between 5 and 6 milligrams. Only two portions of nuts can contain between 8 and 14 mg vitamin E. If it is difficult to fit into your diet, have multivitamins. But always talk first to your doctor.

best cataract surgeons okc

Stop Smoking

You know it's bad for your lungs and heart, but it's bad for your eyes too. Smoking is a risk factor that you can manage when it comes to cataracts.

In your mouth, tobacco produces more free radicals. These are cell-damaging chemicals. Antioxidants–all the better chemicals you have from fruit and vegetables fight against the bad chemicals. Yet cigarettes ruin healthy chemicals. And there are many toxins that can induce cataracts.

Contact Korber Eyecare and Surgery Center for the best cataract surgeons in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The above post should not substitute medical advice nor does it create a patient-doctor relationship.