Know About Retinal Detachment Here

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This goes without saying that our eyes are an amazing organ but also the most complex one at the same time. We are well familiar with problems like cornea allergy or cataract. However, do you have any idea about retinal detachment? If no, you are at the right place. Know about retinal detachment here and if you face any such symptoms, it is wise for you to go for an affordable eye care treatment in OKC.

What Is Retinal Detachment?

This is a serious sight-threatening condition that happens to 1 in every 300 people at some point of their lives. In this disease, the layers of rods and cones are peeled away from the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). It happens because of a hole that is created on the retina and fluid from the eye drips between two layers. However, it can also happen due to any trauma, eye allergy or even surgery. Retina detachment should be treated immediately. Otherwise, you can lose your vision permanently.

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Risk Factors of Retinal Detachment

The biggest risk factor of this problem is the age factor. As we grow older, the fluid of the eyes is shrinking. This causes a tear in the retina and it leads to retinal detachment. Other risk factors include:

  • Nearsightedness

  • Removal of cataract if the lens is not replaced

  • Marfan’s syndrome

  • Injuries in the eye due to any sports activity or others

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Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment symptoms are not painful. However, there are other symptoms that can trigger if you are affected by retinal detachment. If you notice any of the symptoms, it is suggested to visit an affordable eye care clinic in OKC.

  • Flashes of lights while moving the eye

  • Increase in the number of floaters in your vision

  • Feeling heavy while closing or opening your eyes

  • A shadow that gets spread from the peripheral vision to central vision

  • Sensation like a transparent blockage is coming down while looking at something

  • Straight lines are getting curved

  • Constant water flow from the eyes

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If you notice one or more symptoms, do not delay and consult a doctor immediately. You should always remember that your eyes need a regular check-up and proper care in order to avoid any danger that can lead to vision loss.

Are you wondering which clinic to visit for affordable eye care in OKC? Contact Korver Eye Care & Surgery Center to get a flawless treatment at a reasonable price.

**Disclaimer: The above post should not substitute medical advice nor does it create a patient-doctor relationship.