Top Tips to Recover from an Eyelid Surgery

eyelid surgery okc

You look in the mirror one day and suddenly realize that you look older too soon as your eyelashes fall down or small fat pads make your eyes puffy.

You want to regain your youthful appearance through eyelid surgery and can't wait to see the results when your operation is complete. Here are our top tips to make sure your recovery goes as fast as possible. Get ready for your recovery time

In around 10 to 14 days after eyelid surgery, many individuals return to their normal activity but are ready to take time off to heal totally. A great way to speed up your recovery is to plan your big activities in advance.

eyelid surgery okc

It is vital to clear your schedule so you can focus on staying whether you need to stock your wardrobe with simple to prepare or ask a friend to take children to their activities.

Follow the self-care instructions carefully. This way, when you go home from surgery, you can get what you need and have it on hand. Some of the common care tips are given below.

  • Cold compresses to minimize swelling.

  • Eye drops to avoid dry eyes and an ointment to maintain them lubricated are among the key to eyelid treatment post-operations.

  • In the bedroom, you must also have gauze. You should dab it (do not rub!) with a sterile gaze as your incision oocytes while it heals.

eyelid surgery okc

You have puffy eyes, red incisions, moreover, the swelling and bruising might resemble a black eye after you apply these tips. For most of the patients, this is a difficult time because they are excited to see results. Don't let yourself get down within the recovery time.

In about two weeks, the swelling will go down. You're going to see the change soon after–and what a change it will bring! You're going to look younger; your eyes are going to look lighter.

eyelid surgery okc

 What Protection Do You need to Take?

There is no way around it— you have to protect your eyes from sunlight and other things including wind. Sun protection is important. Wear dark shades shielding the face from the sides with lenses. Add an extra shield mask. And follow your sunscreen application directions after the process. Do not strain your eyes.

Don't message or use the phone, read a book, or catch up the full season of your favorite TV show at least a week after an eyelid surgery! Exercises are infamous for dry eyes, which should be prevented in the recovery process.

eyelid surgery okc

Have plenty of rest. Make sure your skin and eyes are comfortable. Indeed, good sleep is one of the best ways to speed up your recovery because sleep failure slows down the healing of wounds.

Healing requires a lot of energy, so you may feel tired. Plan a nap if you're tired. This is not the time to move–not if you want to recover as fast as possible.

Visit Korber Eye Care for your eyelid surgery in OKC. We have experts who can meet all your requirements.

**Disclaimer: The above post should not substitute medical advice nor does it create a patient-doctor relationship.