Types of Eyelid Surgery You Should be Aware of

eyelid surgery okc

Were you aware that there are different forms of eyelid surgery? Sometimes, patients don't know what the variations are and how to choose what form of surgery they should have, so let's talk about it.

Eyelid Lift Surgery

An eyelid lift surgery can be considered to either blepharoplasty or surgery to repair the ptosis. This general concept refers to the formal end product. This is not, however, a term used by surgeons.


It is the surgery that removes or replaces fat that helps in reducing puffiness as well as removing excess skin. The extra skin that can dangle over lashes is cut off during a blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid.

The treatment is similar for a blepharoplasty lower in the eyelid. In certain cases, however, instead of expunging the skin, we make the skin tight TCA chemical peels or by laser resurfacing or extracting.

eyelid surgery okc

Repair Surgery of Ptosis

This operation requires the upperside eyelids to be removed. Typically this is achieved by controlling the muscles of the eyelids which may get weak with time. The surgeon will also reduce skin and fat that are excess during most of the exterior approach. With no opening or slit over the eyelid, the repair work can be done internally.

Brow Lift

Many patients who ask for our help in rejuvenating their eyelids actually suffer from eyebrow ptosis but think that the issue is with eyelids. We should bring the issue to your attention by manually raising your eyebrows to make them understand how much benefit they can get with eyebrow-raising processes.

There are a lot of different kinds of eyebrow lifts. We can do this only to make it laterally, or we can fully lift the eyebrows with an endoscopic method, like large incision along the hairline or over the scalp. Selecting one surgical procedure over another is based on various parameters. Those need to be addressed and weighed during an eyebrow or eyelid surgery consultation.

eyelid surgery okc

How to Get a Good Surgeon?

These operations may sound like treating the same problems. That's why we'll recommend the right surgery for you after a detailed review and assessment by a certified and qualified cosmetic surgeon.

Sometimes, surgeons who are not trained in cosmetic surgery or with any eye surgeries do not prescribe the correct treatment, which could result in an eyelid revision operation. A skilled cosmetic surgeon will provide several choices to enhance the look of your eyelids, orbital area, and brows according to your age, the nature of your aging, and what do you expect to achieve from the procedure.If you want to go for an eyelid surgery, visit Korber Eye Care in OKC without delay.

**Disclaimer: The above post should not substitute medical advice nor does it create a patient-doctor relationship.