Why Cataract Should Be Treated Immediately?

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Cataract is one of the major illnesses among the Americans.  It is reported that more than 25 millions of Americans suffer from cataract. Most of the people do not take this illness seriously unless it is directly affecting their life. As a result, when they start undertaking the treatment, it is already too late. To avoid any massive loss due to cataract, it is important to notice the early signs and consult an eye doctor without delay. Read this blog to understand the signs and symptoms.

June- Cataract Awareness Month

June has been proclaimed the month of cataract awareness to remind the masses of the signs, risk factors and treatment options available. Avoid blindness as you grow old, your eyesight is reclining and you rely much more on your reading glasses for all your activities. The eyes of people older than 40 are often afflicted by cataract. However, there are not many noticeable symptoms in untreated cataracts.

Some people may not be able to function or read in the same way, even recognizing that their vision is affected. Over time and before your knowledge, untreated cataracts become worse. The vision can become blurred, before no contact lenses of any sort are functioning. Most people will even get a dry eye that can make you exhausted constantly.

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Symptoms & Signs of Cataract

•        Double Vision  

Late cataract symptom is double vision. The cloudy layer on the lens of the eye will scatter light through the eyes that produces two images. In order to prevent adverse incidents, corrective steps need to be found earlier.

•        Difficulty of Color Discernment

Cataract will affect the perception of color. You can see a few colors fading and the vision can slowly take on a yellowish or brownish hue. Cataract discoloration is frequently overlooked. But if it gets worse, for example, you have to look at your eyes to differentiate between blues and purples.

•        Complete Blindness

Untreated cataracts result in complete blindness. When people hear the word "blindness," they still feel worried. Yet cataract blindness is reversible, and a couple of special contact lenses are available for both adult and children to rehabilitate the vision with the aid of cataract surgery.

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•        Night Vision Impaired

The lens of the eye behind the retina blurs with age. During night, you can have trouble seeing, like halos and glare. If you need better night visual acuity, particularly when you drive, cataract surgery is recommended.

Book your schedule with Korber Eye Care in OKC. Our eye doctors can help with cataract surgery flawlessly.